Snail mail: Dear you
And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
~W.H. Auden, "Night-Mail"
Dear you, you are not forgotten. THANK YOU for reading this little blog of mine, and for your comments, and your feedback, and just being here with me. I sent five of you some little painted packages in the post last week, I hope they reach you in one piece and I hope you enjoy them! I'm writing and decorating some more right now, so the postman will be knocking again soon.
I love to write mail, and sending you something by post is the least I can do to say thank you for subscribing and for reading. If you'd like some mail from me, just go to the subscribe page and fill in the form to send me your mailing address. Also, it's not too late to enter to win a copy of the launch issue of the stunning new Alphabet Family Journal and a poster by Bianca Cash. Details for this competition are on this post about family (take a look at the comments others have left - they are incredibly moving!).
And now for a spot of nostalgic poetry: the complete poem "Night Mail" from which the quote came above, written by WH Auden for a 1936 documentary of the same name, and narrated by John Grierson.