The pen pal post

Today I pulled together a little pen pal package for my new friend Hermine in Belgium. It was such a fun treasure hunt! Don't know what I'm talking about? Find out here. This is what I put in the big, padded envelope. The inventory:

* A sprig of pink gum blossoms, purloined from the parklands on my walk * A few pages torn from 1930s children's classic Blinky Bill (a spare copy) * A postcard of Glenelg (a little beachside town in Adelaide) * A cute little airmail-themed gift card * A lovely, hand-drawn postcard on wood, that I bought in New York * Some pretty, coloured tissue paper * A travelling copy of Airmail with the hand-painted bookplate * A chocolate frog from Darrel Lea * A photograph of my mother as a girl, arm raised in a snowball fight * Three marbles (of course!) * A necklace made out of a birthday candle * A polariod self portrait showing my reflection in the tea-kettle * Some cutout pictures of my new home of Adelaide and South Australia * Two fall leaves given to me from my friend in Connecticut * A hand-written letter-excerpt from Airmail covered in international stamps * A cute ribbon with a butterfly in the centre, from Anthropologie * A turquoise, hand-painted wooden egg

(Not pictured) * Three little squares of vintage, yellow, chintz fabric * A 50 cent coin (because all the edges are so pretty) * A letter, telling Hermine about life in Australia

I hope it all makes it to Antwerp safely, and that Hermine likes it!

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal

The city's soundtrack


The end of love