discovering joyful things
A touch of green. Some inspiration for you
“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in - what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
* I'm not ordinarily a fan of embroidery as art on the walls, but I'd make an exception for these little vegetable bouquets
* What a lovely alternative to flowers in vases
* This spring salad looks beautiful and sounds delicious
* I've never seen an office organiser like this. So pretty!
* Such a pretty expanding origami pot for plants
* Always walk on the grass
* I would like to live here, please
* Really love these lazy season pots
* Sweet little mini vertical garden made from vintage jars and bottles
* Where to find free botanical artwork
* Potted plants in Taipei
* Wouldn't these edible terrariums be wonderful for a garden party!
* So much inspiration for your indoor plants
* Nature bingo looks like fun!
* Gorgeous waterfall of leaves
* Perfect for summer nights: caramelised pear salad with goats cheese toast
* The Forest Feast for Kids: Colorful Vegetarian Recipes That Are Simple to Make
* How to make natural dyes from plants and flowers in your garden
Image credit: photo by Jaime Spaniol, licensed for unlimited use under Creative Commons
Dreams + links
I spent last night dreaming about a tree change. I don't know what's gotten into me because I really love where I live. I mean, I really love it. And I know that I would get bored in the country. I've lived it before so it's not like I have rose-coloured glasses on.
And yet, I spent the entire night browsing real estate websites instead of working, looking for country homes in the high country. Somewhere where the seasons are REAL seasons, where it snows in winter. Somewhere with space for the children to run and play and grow. Room for a piano. An office for me. A downsized, slowed-down life in which we could see Mr B every day, and each of us would have the financial and emotional freedom to pursue the things we love, not just the bills we need to pay!
I sent a link to one of the homes to Mr B, who was at a work function, telling him "I want to move here." He wrote back "Are you on drugs?" because, well, he knows me. "Let's give it a go," I said.
But then I thought about the schools we wanted the children to attend, and there was nothing like those schools in the escape destinations I was exploring on my computer. And I started to think of all the other things we wanted to do for them and the opportunities we wanted them to have, and I began weighing the pros and cons of life for City Mouse Bulgers and Country Mouse Bulgers up against each other, and it all became dizzyingly confusing.
So instead I closed the computer and opened a bottle of cheap plonk and watched TV while I waited for Mr B to come home from yet another work function, and decided life here wasn't all that bad, really.
In the meantime, revisiting something I used to do every Friday, here are five of my favourite things of late, for your hump-day viewing and reading pleasure.
* Tiny tree-houses in pot-plants
* "Instead of sharing another selfie, I shared all my books with the world."
* Shakespearean quotes on stamps
* The day the plants took over New York
* Build your own street library!
Image credits: photo by Thomas Verbruggen, licensed for unlimited use under Creative Commons
"And autumn garner"
"I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time."
~ Robert Browning
Keeping within yesterday's botanical mail art theme, here are some links "of beauty and utility" that you might enjoy:
* Decorating with houseplants - Taipei style
* Lovely fern-pressed jar DIY
* Gorgeous gift: seed bombs!
* The most beautiful self-watering pot I've ever seen
* How to incorporate plants into your home
* Make a mini green wall out of old jars
* How to keep your house plants alive
* Good idea for Mother's Day? DIY marbled hanging planter
* Love this forest-on-a-cake!
* Plant your herbs in old teacups and milk jugs
* Stunning art made out of petals and leaves
* The right plant for your home
* Invites you in: urban jungle in Antwerp