Home renovation for toddlers
The day will come, all too soon I fear, when Madeleine will want to move into her own place. To ease the pain of separation that day is guaranteed to bring (to me), I may invest in real estate on her behalf to ensure she continues live nearby.
Very nearby. In the family room, in fact. And the real estate will be of wonderfully-affordable cardboard construction.
Brand new Aussie company Tinyfolk makes creative and rather beautiful little indoor cubby houses and puppet theatres out of responsibly sourced, PEFC certified, and 100 percent recyclable cardboard. They come flat-packed so you can build them yourself (with not an allen key in sight), and the version called the "white playhouse" practically begs the kids to scribble and paint and glue glitter all over it.
Theatrical set designer and mum Genevieve Dugard heads up the company. "We love thoughtful products that create a space for children to make their own decisions, that encourage open-ended play," she says on her blog.
I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing Madeleine become Lady of the Manor, decorating her little home just like the utterly adorable toddlers in these photographs.
All images used with kind permission from Tinyfolk.