After the party
Happy Sunday night! This evening is brought to you by this intriguing little teaser video. It looks like the aftermath to quite the party, don't you think?
We are recovering in the aftermath of a rather lovely party of our own chez Bulger today, and I'll tell you all about it shortly. Also, my parents have been visiting this week, which is why you haven't heard from me lately, and it was just wonderful. They left to head back home this afternoon and I feel rather bereft. I can't tell you how much I miss them, all the time, but especially now that I am a mum myself.
Meanwhile, I am still on a bit of a high from seeing two of my favourite bands, Mumford & Sons and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, in concert, on the one night. It was one of those "submerged in the music" evenings that make me just so grateful to live in this world. My joy was only slightly marred by the fact that both acts started late and I had to leave before they finished to get home in time to feed Madeleine. Ah, the rock 'n roll life of a new mother.
How was your weekend, friend?
(UPDATE: photos and details of the garden party are now available here)