Oh hello, dark nights

Daylight savings ended on the weekend and I couldn't be happier. Not only do we get a bonus hour to sleep in of a morning, the end of daylight savings also heralds the imminent onset of winter, my favourite season. Winter means reading books by the fireside (or the heater, now that we've moved). Hot chocolate and honey crumpets. Snuggling on the couch under a woollen blanket made of crocheted squares. Ugg boots. Candlelit dinners at which the candles are actually needed because the sun has set. Mandarins, beets and persimmons. Cuddling Mr B through the night. Morning walks wrapped in coat and hat and gloves, watching my breath form clouds.

The autumn weather hasn't been entirely cooperative lately, climbing to the high 20s and even 30 during the day, but it's slowly dipping overnight. This morning it was just 9 degrees when I woke up. I grinned as I shivered.

Winter also means cosying into soft, gorgeous woollen sweaters, and I am seriously crushing over these knits from Pugnat. True I'm not sure I could carry off a Princess Leia-esque knitted bonnet. But I love the unusual sculptured shapes of these pieces, the romantic-yet-futuristic drapery, the unexpected play of materials. They put me in mind of Brontes, and moors. What do you love most about winter?

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal 


McArdle's Mind (fragment)


Have you ever met your hero?