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Favourite things - double take

I called this blog post "double take" because that's what I did when I saw each of these clever ideas. They are all out of context. Like tents hanging from trees; travel photos... of feet; and typewriters that replace letters with colours. I think each is worth a second look, and I hope you do too. 1. Tents in trees I saw these tree tents (from Bavaria) on one of my favourite blogs, Happiness Is. They are originally from this website and I did scrawl through it to seek more photos, but my inability to read anything more than "achtung" in German defeated me.

2. Feet first Photographer Tom Robinson has documented more than 90 travel photos with his girlfriend Verity and, since 2011, with their daughter Matilda. The twist? All the photographs feature their feet. Take a look at the collection on his website. It's quite surprisingly lovely.

3. A picture types a thousand words While browsing Making it Lovely this week, I was alerted to this gorgeous piece of conceptual art. Artist Tyree Callahan modified a 1937 Underwood typewriter by replacing its keys with colour pads. It doesn't paint, but Tyree says he may at least use it to retype his artist statement.

4. Vintage suitcase boomboxes Isn't this iPod/iPhone dock amazing? It's actually a portable stereo system made from a vintage record player. Check out The BoomCase Store for this and other wonderful, evocative items. When you're done, pop on over to Poppytalk, who alerted me to these beauties in the first place. Oh and also, my birthday is in October. I'm just saying.

5. Food faces Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it:

1. Write out a list of emotions on slips of paper and put them in a small bag. Keep them with you when you go out. 2. After you eat, choose one of the emotions from the bag. 3. Using only leftover food and other items on the table, create a face that shows the randomly selected emotion. 4. Take a photo so you can share the results of your food-art, since this will only be a temporary creation.

Isn't this all kinds of bizarre fun? I especially like the idea of doing this when eating out. Imagine your waiter's surprise when he or she comes to clear things away! (Although I'd make an effort to clean up as much as I could, and leave a big tip.) One day I will convince a group of my friends to all "pick an emotion" and leave a food face when we eat out.

This funny project was on the Etsy blog this week, part of a bigger post about things to do to get and keep your creativity flowing, by Noah Scalin of Another Limited Rebellion.