What's sexy? Reading is. So is jazz. 60s spectacles, not so much
There's a book-review website out there in the world wide webiverse called 'Reading is Sexy' and, following the fabulous review its author Diana gave Airmail last week, I am inclined to agree.
Here's what Diana had to say:
"Airmail is one of the most engaging, thought provoking novellas I’ve ever read. In short order, Naomi Bulger delves into the possibilities of story telling. This quirky, left of center story sucks the reader into a sometimes magical world that seems to balance between the possible and impossible. Those of you who, like me, have enjoyed work from Through the Looking Glass to Donnie Darko will immensely enjoy Airmail. In some ways it reminded me a bit of the movie Mary and Max."
Pretty sexy, huh? Now, imagine how chuffed I am. Uber-chuffed, that's what!
To read the whole review, click here (and leave a comment to let Diana know if you like it: one good turn deserves another, after all).
You know what else is sexy? Swingin' jazz from the 60s. For your listening pleasure, I present Airmail Special:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQaChgcQFhg]